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Siddhaarta 2025en PDF Imprimare Email


Initiatic Godly Art Camp
Module I

Open HeART, Bucureşti, Romania
20th of March - 23rd of March 2025

Godly Art is a wise method for awakening our soul and for Self-Revelation through inspired and complete resonance with the gigantic, divine force-spheres of love, beauty, truth, good and universal harmony.

 The camp structure:
- Module I
: between 20th - 23rd of March 2025 , spiritual initiation in the  first Initiatic method in arts.
- Spiritual-artistic Application
: for Module I on 23rd of March.

The program of the camp is structured as follows:
- First spiritual initiation in arts, an essential key that will give a new orientation in art at a planetary level, initiation offered by our spiritual guide;

- Spiritual exemplifications done with our spiritual guide's subtile-telepathic support, including conferences in artistic and spiritual domain;
Techniques and original group games for stimulating creativity.

- 2 photos in bathing suit, 10/15 cm., made in 2025. Write on the back of the photos your personal information. You can also send them digitally to our email address.
- Participation Fee: 275 de lei/person (for romanian artists). Participation fee for foreigners is 70 euro/person.
- Fill in the registration form.

Photos should be sent to Bibliotecă („Biblioteca şi centrul de documentare MISA”, Şoseaua Sălaj, nr. 2, bl. 126 A, parter, sector 5, Bucharest, Romania), in a sealed envelop specifying "For the SiddhaArta 2025 București camp.

Attention! The camp activities will take place at the Open HeART Center, Alecu Russo street, nr.9.

Attention! If you have already the initiation card, please bring it with you!

Attention! The program of the camp will start on  Thursday, 20th of March 2025, at 18:00, when we do the expansion meditation of the subtile spiritual artistic field of the camp.
The presence in module's activities is neccesary in order to receive the respective initiation.

Artists who are not following yoga/tantra classes can participate in this camp, with the same requirements. It will be a selection made.

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Registration form

1. Family name:
2. Personal name:
3. Date of Birth:
4. Zodiac sign and ascendant:
5. Address (Town, Country):
6. Phone:
7. Email:

8. Participation:

9. Artistic domain in which you manifest:

10. How long you activate in the artistic domain you mentioned:

11. Other artistic skills:

12. The artistic group you are part of:

13. How you see the ideal, divine art?

14. What role plays art in your life?   

15. Why you want to participate in this initiatic divine art camp?

16. How you think art can be revolutionized in this times?

17. Tell us in short a moment in which you felt artistically inspired:

18. Do you have humour?... Where?  


15th of September - 19th of September 2021, Module I